Raised 2 - 7th Chords Archives - Bradley Fish https://bradleyfish.com/tag/raised-2-7th-chords/ Musician | Producer | Music Coach Sun, 17 Mar 2019 17:42:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://bradleyfish.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/brad-fav.png Raised 2 - 7th Chords Archives - Bradley Fish https://bradleyfish.com/tag/raised-2-7th-chords/ 32 32 “Raised 2 – 7th Chords” on Guitar https://bradleyfish.com/raised-2-7th-chords-on-guitar/ https://bradleyfish.com/raised-2-7th-chords-on-guitar/#comments Sun, 17 Mar 2019 17:42:59 +0000 https://bradleyfish.com/?p=7056 Hey Guys, I just posted a video showing how to jam some blues w/these chords. For now, instead of teaching HOW to build them, which is actually pretty fascinating, let’s […]

The post “Raised 2 – 7th Chords” on Guitar appeared first on Bradley Fish.

Hey Guys,

I just posted a video showing how to jam some blues w/these chords.

For now, instead of teaching HOW to build them, which is actually pretty fascinating, let’s just ‘cheat’ and learn them visually 😉

The shapes are the same in all keys — so for E do everything 2 frets higher (or 10 frets lower ’cause it always adds up to 12; 2+10 =12).








The post “Raised 2 – 7th Chords” on Guitar appeared first on Bradley Fish.

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