Free Guitar Lesson Archives - Bradley Fish Musician | Producer | Music Coach Sun, 24 Mar 2024 12:29:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Free Guitar Lesson Archives - Bradley Fish 32 32 Open Guitar Chords for Beginners! Sat, 23 Mar 2024 22:58:45 +0000 Guitar Chords for you!!

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Guitar Chords for you!!

Beginner Guitar Chords

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Your ‘Rock’ Scale – the A Minor Pentatonic Scale!!! Tue, 27 Nov 2018 08:22:54 +0000 Your ‘Rock’ Scale – the A Minor Pentatonic Scale!!! Its also your ‘Country’ scale, the C Major Pentatonic Scale. Save the image above print it, frame it, and stick on […]

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Your ‘Rock’ Scale – the A Minor Pentatonic Scale!!!
Its also your ‘Country’ scale, the C Major Pentatonic Scale.
Save the image above print it, frame it, and stick on your wall!!!
This is just a 5 note scale: A C D E G — its the same in any pattern.
On all the patterns just play 2 notes per fret. (Notice the Low E string is thick in the drawing.) As you can see, they all overlap.
Start w/ the (blue) 5th position. That’s all you need to get started jamming.
It gives you 80% of the effect w/20% of the effort!!
When you’re ready to use more of the neck and really progress, try a new pattern per month or so. I’d do the (purple) open position and then the (red) 2nd position. Then fill in the rest. Notice the open and 12th (both purple) position patterns are really the same pattern, just an octave apart.
Jam w/ this stuff and have fun. Lay down a chord progression on a recording or a looper – or jam w/ a buddy – and jam over it w/ any of these patterns.
Try rock progressions in A or A Minor (i.e.) //: A / C / D / D ://
Try Folk/Country progressions in C major. (i.e.) //: C / F / G / G ://
This video walks you through the patterns. Have Fun!!!

The post Your ‘Rock’ Scale – the A Minor Pentatonic Scale!!! appeared first on Bradley Fish.

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