The G Major Scale and E Natural Minor Scale on Guitar – Full Color! Plus all the Modes of the G Major scale, too!!!
The G Major Scale and E Natural Minor Scale on Guitar – Full Color! Plus all the Modes of the G Major scale, too!!!
Depending on the note you start on — or the key of the music you are playing over — this is also:
G Ionian (Major)
A Dorian
B Phrygian
C Lydian
D Mixolydian
E Aeolian (Natural Minor)
F# Locrian
I divided this into 5 positions for simplicity — bit you could create more / different patterns, too!

G Major Scale & E Minor Scale for Guitar – The Whole Neck!
Here’s all the patterns of the G Major Scale. Yup, its also the E Minor Scale (and 5 other ‘modes’, too). I’m constantly showing this to students — its massively useful for jamming in virtually all genres. You can play these same patterns in any key by sliding them up and down the neck. You can also divvy these patterns up in different ways – just trying to keep it simple. Pick, say, a pattern a month (or 3) and learn it well. Jam on songs in G major or E Minor. Start with the open and 12th position. (Notice its the same pattern). Have Fun!!!!