Its also for any music teachers and music students who might find it helpful.

(If you just have Wi-Fi, or just a phone, etc its ok for now, its OK – we’ll optimize over time.)

-If you happen to own a recording audio interface (i.e. Focusrite 2i2) please use that w/a good mic. A USB Mic (i.e. Blue Yeti) is also a good option. Remember to select your audio interface or USB mic, and your camera in the Skype (Or Zoom, etc) preferences.
– A Tablet or Phone w/Metronome / Beats:
-On Android: ‘Beatz’; On iOS: ‘Garageband’. Both have: ‘Pro Metronome’
– A Way to play YouTube on your side so I can hear it through your mic. (i.e. same mobile device)
– Pencil or Pen & Paper – Old School – or open a Document on your computer
–Picks, strap, amp, capo, TUNER, stand, sheet music/Tabs you want to learn, etc.
-List of questions/requests – please start w/ questions /requests at the beginning!
-Please Tune up beforehand if possible
-Have some water, etc – Be comfortable.

Thanks! Looking Forward!!!!

Dulcimer Chord Chart Mixolydian (D-A-D) Tuning – Full Color – Enjoy!
Here it is! (Wow, this took a while!) ZOOM in to find the chords you need. There are multiple chord options that you can experiment with. (We might even add a few more later.) The fingerings are just suggestions – do what you find comfortable!
Btw, this is mainly intended for a standard dulcimer that has the 6 1/2 fret. (We may add some 1 1/2 fret options and even chromatic dulcimer later…) but you can try these on ANY dulcimer. (If you’re missing the 6 1/2 fret, just skip those). Baritone dulcimer chord chart coming soon!
Please share w/ friends!
I teach dulcimer online and in Madison, WI.
Download High resolution Dulcimer Chord Chart here.
Here’s a playlist of dulcimer lesson (and some jamming) videos. I’ll fly Away” uses the new Animated Dulcimer Tabs/ Please let me know how you like the new format. Enjoy!
For Dulcimer (Guitar, uke, etc) lessons/classes hit me here:

Aeolian (DAC) Tuning for Appalachian Dulcimer + a Song w/ a Video + Free Sheet Music to learn in ‘DAC’ tuning! :)
Aeolian (DAC) Dulcimer Tuning
This is a cool tuning! It’s kinda dark. Tune (low sound to high sound) D-A-C to a tuner (the double strings are C). Or Tune the ‘bass’ string to D (or somewhere around a D if you’re playing alone/with compliant friends is ok), then press the 4th fret of that low string, and tune the open middle string to that, Then press the 6th fret of the bass string and tune the double strings to that.
This Free Lesson is in Aeloian Tuning. Free sheet music below!
I love this tune and its a great one to improvise on. A noter (little dowel rod) is optional – but a great addition on this one! Check it out!
Right Click –> Save As to download the sheet music!

Beginner Dulcimer Lesson Old Joe Clark!
Have Fun! I teach Mountain Dulcimer Online and in Madison, WI! (Group Classes are coming!!) Vid + Sheet Music Below. Finally nailed the animated fretboard and audio in this vid. Love your comments here or on Youtube!

3 Renaissance Dulcimer Lesson Videos w/ Fretboard Animations + Tabs!
Hi! I hope you enjoy these tunes! My guitar professor, Fareed Haque let me do my classical requirement on the dulcimer, and I loved learning these.
Carrie Crompton, the arranger, was so kind as to let me share the Tablature for these pieces. I just added the sheet music, so you can scroll down for them and download them!
Right Click, Save to Download the Sheet Music for Free.
The notes in Mixolydian (DAD) Tuning on an Appalachian Dulcimer!
Hey! Here’s the notes in Mixolydian (DAD) Tuning on an Appalachian Dulcimer!
Here’s a whole playlist of dulcimer lesson + dulcimer jamming videos for ya, below.
Btw, I Teach Live Private Lessons on Skype/Zoom in this format w/real-time Fretboard Animations, Multi-Cam, Tabs – and You get a high quality Video recording. All levels/styles, virtually all plucked stringed instruments. https://bradleyfish.com/new-student-form/

The Notes on the 10-String Guitar
Here’s The Notes on the 10-String Guitar. Wow, this thing is big!!!!

The Notes on the Mandolin
Here’s The Notes on the Mandolin — Its tuned in fifths — like a violin!